Order Lepidoptera Photographic Guide

Order Lepidoptera Photographic Guide

Lepidoptera photos taken by Marcus Martin, Laura Martin, and Max Martin. All specimens were photographed free and in the wild.

Blue-eyed Darner

Blue-eyed Darner Rhionaeschna multicolor, Manzano Pond, New Mexico, June 2014

Latest Photo Additions: Blue-eyed Darner, Common Green Darner, and female Twelve-spotted Skimmer. Copyright for all photos on this site belongs to Marcus Martin, Laura Martin, or Max Martin.

Prints and publication rights are available in the sales center.

The photograph file names begin with the latin genus and species name followed by the date the photograph was taken. These codes are sometimes followed by a description of the photograph when there are multiple photos of the same species taken on the same day.

If you believe that any photographs have been misidentified please let us know. Feel free to send comments about the site to us at towhee@photobirder.com. The photograph arrangement is currnetly based upon "Butterflies of North America" by Jim Brock and Kenn Kaufman [BoNA_KFG_2003]

References Photographic Equipment
Animalia - Arthropoda: Hexopoda - Insecta